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Caring for Underprivileged Communities: Pondok Kasih Foundation Organizes Non-Formal Education and Sewing Training

Jakarta is known as the Metropolitan City and the largest city in Indonesia, but in fact many people are still classified as pre-prosperous, both in the economic and educational fields. In the field of education, Pondok Kasih Zona Jakarta comes with the Smart Car (MP) program which is part of the National Program for the Intelligence of the Nation's Children (PAB). Currently MP Jakarta serves 6 communities in Jakarta and Tangerang, including: Taman Rajeg Mulya, Binong, Rusunawa Pesakih, Kemang Timur, Ciben Kebon Jati and Ciben Tanjung Burung. Children are taught reading, writing, arithmetic, drawing, computers, English and character values.Mobil Pintar Jakarta continues to be a home for children. Through its activities, families living in slum areas get access to proper non-formal education. Every month, Mobil Pintar Jakarta serves more than 1500 children. In addition to being taught in a relevant style, as a form of appreciation, children also receive additional nutrition (milk) at each meeting.In the economic field, Pondok Kasih Zona Jakarta helps lift the community's economy by conducting sewing training. Currently, some participants have received orders for sewing clothes since attending the training. This program is very useful for supporting the family economy. (MH).