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Strengthening Harmony: Gathering of Interfaith Leaders in Surabaya and Surrounding Areas

The theme raised at the inaugural meeting of the 2025 Interfaith Gathering was “Reflection & Resolution”. Attended by Interfaith Leaders, Culture, Youth, representatives of the Interfaith Consultative Body (BAMAG) of Surabaya City, representatives of Universities and Colleges and from various Community Organizations in Surabaya. Mr. Syuhada Endrayono, S.H. (Chairman of the FBM) delivered the 2024 program and 2025 work program. Mama Hana as the Founder and Trustee of the Pondok Kasih Foundation and FBM conveyed how the beauty and strength of interfaith tolerance, as well as the progress of the construction of the Bhinneka Nusantara Creativity Center (NCC) Park which is located next to Graha Pondok Kasih Keputih, Surabaya. Mrs. Indah Wati (Chairperson of the Pondok Kasih Foundation) conveyed the various efforts that have been made by Pondok Kasih in order to knit the unity and unity of fellow children of the nation. It will continue to be done by Pondok Kasih for the common good. “We cannot walk alone, it's time for us to join hands, embrace one another and step for a common goal”, said Mrs. Indah Wati.The Secretary of the National Unity and Political Agency (Bakesbangpol) of East Java Province, Mr. Nurul Ansori, S.Pd., M.Kes., was also present and conveyed how unity and tolerance had been created and maintained in East Java, so that the democratic party (pilkada) held in October 2024 went well. “The government fully supports the interfaith gathering. This kind of meeting must be maintained and continued, starting with meetings and dialogs such as those conducted by the Pondok Kasih Foundation and the Beda but Mesra Forum,” he explained. (MH).