The Case Of Child Suicide In Tana Toraja Is No Longer Heard!

Pondok Kasih Foundation nationally has 3 programs, namely Fulfillment of Civil Rights (PHS), Intelligence of the Nation’s Children (PAB) and Development of Youth Agents of Peace, Unification and National Change (PAP3B). Starting with the condition of students and youth in South Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi who experience problems such as drugs, promiscuity and abortion, suicide, lack of unity and love for the nation and state. Therefore, Yayasan Pondok Kasih through the PAP3B program made a service plan, and by God’s grace this service can be carried out well. In Palu Regency, Central Sulawesi (July 25-26, 2023) and Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi (July 27, 2023) and in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi (July 31-August 01, 2023).

Tana Toraja consists of 2 districts, namely Toraja and North Toraja. The area is famous for the funeral procession of the dead, said to be the most expensive in the world. The area is visited by many international and domestic tourists every year because of its natural beauty. However, the problem of suicide is very high among students and youth. In 2020 there were 30 suicides recorded and in 2021-2023 there were 22 cases. Based on various sources, the reasons for suicide are very diverse, such as because children have nowhere to share their stories, loneliness, neglect, experiencing (victims of) bullying, relationships with parents are problematic and following or being inspired by suicide from previous cases. However, what is very sad is that in the midst of the rampant cases, there is a lack of attention from stakeholders.

The activities carried out by the Pondok Kasih Foundation were a 2-day seminar on July 31 and August 1, 2023 which was attended by 2,500 students from various Junior High Schools (SMP) and Senior High Schools (SMA) along with Principals, Teachers and supported by Dandim Tana Toraja along with church leaders, communities and child activists throughout Tana Toraja at the Rantepao House of Prayer. With the aim of, first, strengthening self-defense both individually and in the community of children from the threat of the dangers of drugs, promiscuity, abortion and suicide. Second, to establish harmony, harmony in order to achieve unity across denominations, tribes, regions and schools. Third, fostering youth and students to have strong faith, moral values, fear of God, integrity, tolerance, teamwork and innovation. Fourth, building character to love God, neighbor and nation; respect and obedience to parents. Fifth, preparing students and youth to enter national and international forums.

The children’s ministry in Tana Toraja has been going on for 1 year and is carried out by 16 Local Teams consisting of Servants of God and Community Leaders who have a heart, compact, massive, voluntary, hand in hand and sustainable tirelessly. To date, the local team called “Pondok Kasih Toraja” has successfully served around 7,550 children from 9 junior and senior high schools in Tana Toraja. Thanks to their services, suicide cases are no longer heard of.

The simple thing initiated by Pondok Kasih Foundation brings a big positive impact to the people of Tana Toraja. This movement is continued by those who have been inspired by what Pondok Kasih Foundation is doing because they want to see the younger generation in Tana Toraja succeed and become the nation’s leaders in the future.

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